General guidelines


The conference seeks original submissions which were not published yet and not under review elsewhere, with a prospect for a tangible impact on the research area and a potential for practical implementations.

Submissions lacking proper validation of the results will not be accepted.

The submission page limit may pose problems for authors reporting on a substantial body of results. Authors are encouraged to post the additional material on their personal pages and provide a link. The additional material should include details of the validation methods/procedures, statistical assessment of the results, etc – anything which would allow to establish validity of the presented results, even to the point of the replication the “experiments”.

Formatting and style guides

Authors are requested to submit a pdf version using the SA’2021 submission system. The submission link is provided at the bottom of this page.

All parts of the submitted material must be in the English language. That includes figure captions and any text internal to figures.

Submissions should include e-mail addresses and fax/phone numbers of the corresponding authors.

The submitted material needs to be in double-column format; fonts no less then 10 points in size.

Style guides and templates for MS Word and LaTeX are available here.

Copyright information

IEEE policy requires that prior to publication all authors or their employers must transfer to the IEEE in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers.

In order to transfer copyright, authors of the accepted papers will be requested to use the IEEE Electronic Copyright site link to which will be provided to them in the paper acceptance notification letter.

PDF eXpress

All final submissions must fully comply with the IEEE conference format. The authors of accepted papers will be requested to use the IEEE PDF eXpress check to ensure that compatibility. Accepted papers that fail that check, or exceed the referred submission page limits, will not be considered to be included in the IEEE eXplore database.

The IEEE PDF eXpress account will be activated one month prior to the deadline for final submissions.

Submission & Link
Authors are requested to submit a pdf version through the SA’2021 submission system.